Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Power to the Freight Shed
On November 17th we met with Steve Vachon's Electrical Technology Students at the Bath Freight Shed. The Bath Regional Career and Technical Center program is a tremendous resource for the community and we are delighted that they will help us in our effort to renovate the Freight Shed.
This class will use the Freight Shed to study electrical systems from the past and for the future. We have a materials list from them and now it is up to us to provide them!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Maine Preservation Grant
The Bath Freight Shed Alliance (BFSA) has received a $1,000 planning seed grant from Maine Preservation. This matching grant will be used for engineering and documentation. The committee commended “the performance of the organization (BFSA) over the past year and the progress made both in turning public opinion in support of the adaptive re-use option for this important building and site.”
In announcing the grant, Maine Preservation acknowledged the special historical and contemporary importance of the former Maine Central Railroad Freight Shed. Specifically, its unique downtown location at the site of the former ferry landing and its contribution to rail and river transportation during the late 19th and early 20th centuries earned it inclusion in Bath’s National Register Downtown Historic District.
Maine Preservation field representative, Christopher Closs, cited the critical access the building and waterfront site provide to the Kennebec River for residents, shoppers, visitors and tourists in the heart of downtown and year-round with the Bath Farmers’ Market, Kennebec Estuary Land Trust and Maine’s First Ship partners.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Market Day at the Freight Shed
The turnout Saturday at the Freight Shed was fantastic. The vendors remarked that they saw many new faces. The place hummed with
activity - great local food, music, views of the Virginia taking shape and discussions of farmland protection. One might have thought the farmers market had been taking place here for over a hundred years. This test run made it clear how well the Bath Freight Shed, located in the heart of the downtown, is suited for this kind of activity. Here are some comments we got: The Winter Farmers Market was wonderful. I feel a zing in the air. We loved it, Great event, lovely location and lots of productive conversations. I thought it went super well. Feed back from customers was great. They really want us to be there. Bath is a happening place.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Bath Farmers Martket at the Freight Shed Oct.29th

Come and support the GOAL of a weekly, year round farmer’s market downtown on Bath’s waterfront.
There is much to be done before the Freight Shed is ready to be the winter home for the market – but the vendors would like to use this one day harvest market to get the community involved in making it happen.
The winter market and Maine’s First Ship summer boat building program can dovetail to keep commercial street active year round. Come to the market on October 29th and learn about KELT, our local land trust, and the preservation effort of the historic Freight Shed.
There will be Music, Cider, Bicycle and Valet parking and most importantly Veggies, Coffee, Pies, Cheese, Hummus, Pork, Sesame Noodles, Cranberries, Chicken, Beef, Apples, Mushrooms, Bread and more..show your support for the Bath Farmers Market who do so much for our community !! Shop generously and thank them.
8:30 –12:00 27 Commercial Street the Freight Shed
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Rib Raising Party October 8th 3-5PM
Celebrate the end of Maine's First Ship's second season with the Morse High School’s Summer Boat Building Program with a Rib Raising....
• Music
• Local Foods Cookout featuring the Bath Farmers Market
Meal Tickets $15 adults $8 children
• Bike Raffle (thanks to BikeMan!)
Proceeds will go towards Maine’s First Ship boat building
project and the Freight Shed.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Bath Freight Shed Alliance Video
Thanks to Charlie Hudson of Hudson Media Empire for putting this together. It's a great description of where the Freight Shed project is right now... and where it may be going.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Bath Freight Shed Alliance meeting at the FREIGHT SHED
- Bath Freight Shed Alliance's role in supporting Maine's First Ship Boat Building Program
- Renovation Plans
- Potential Programs for Fall
- Update on sponsorship drive
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Renovation Sponsor Signs
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Freight Shed Updates
Lumber for Maine’s First Ship, the Virginia, has been delivered to the Freight Shed! It is the beginning of a four year project that will breath life into the structure and see significant repairs done to the building. Donations of timbers to repair the sills and materials for the roof have already been made.
There are many ways to help and engage in the process – This Saturday starting at 9:00AM (June 18th) we will be cleaning up the site and making way for this summer's construction and youth boat building program – please join us.
During Bath Heritage Days they will set the keel of Maine’s First Ship. The Freight Shed can play a significant role in our downtown. Community support takes many forms – for the Hahn’s End Cheese folks at the Bath Farmer’s Market, it is in a new cheese they named the Virginia- Sagadahoc!! It is delicious!
Monday, April 25, 2011
DATE: May 6th, 2011
TIME: 4:30 - 6 pm
WHERE: Bath Regional Career & Technical Center at 800 High St., Bath
ADMISSION: $5.00 per person
Celebrate with the Students from the Bath Schools who have worked for school credit on the Shallop this past summer and winter to have the "Jane Stevens" ready for the 4th of July Antique Boat Parade. The Shallop will also be at the site of the keel laying for the "Virginia", Maine's First Ship, during the 4th of July celebrations. Joining us is our partner the Bath Freight Shed Alliance. Please join us to celebrate the work of the students and the legacy we are creating for Bath, the State and the Nation. We are proud to announce that the school's Culinary Arts Project will be preparing the food for this event. FMI Call 761-0581 or 443-1005, ext. 12
Monday, January 31, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
-Freight Shed Friday-
The Bath Freight Shed Alliance's purpose is to rehabilitate an historic industrial waterfront structure. This public gathering place, supported and used by the whole community, will encourage layered activities that sustain local food production, education and the environment.
Please join partners of the Bath Freight Shed Alliance at
128 Front Street, Bath
Friday, January 28 starting
Happy Hour at 5 pm
Two seatings at 6pm and 8pm
Reservations strongly encouraged Call (207)443-3373
SOLO BISTRO will donate 10% of the proceeds to
the Bath Freight Shed Alliance
Live Music by Neil Lamb (Guitar) & Liz Matta (Alto Saxophone)