Thursday, February 7, 2013

BREAKING NEWS! It's going to snow and then snow some more!

BREAKING NEWS! The Bath Winter Farmers Market has been CANCELLED tomorrow due to the impending blizzard. The Freight Shed will be CLOSED but we'll see you all next Saturday, February 16th, bright-eyed and raring to go! Stay safe everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    I am a Bath resident and artist and am fascinated by all the happenings at the freight shed. It took me a while to find out how to comment on your blog site - so wondered if it might be good to put a 'comment' button there somehow? Also contact numbers? and or emails? I was wondering how to contact someone to ask questions about possible uses of the freight shed. Will there be space for art/craft shows? How about renting out space for a wedding? Lots of questions - who do I contact? Thanks so much.
    Kathy Wyman
