Capital to the Coast Exploratory Bike Ride
Sat. 5/25/13: 50 degrees and rainy are not the conditions we want to expose you to this great trail. Keep in touch and KELT will find a date to try this ride again.
Saturday, May 25th, 2013
Noon - 6PM
Noon - 6PM
38 miles - Bath to Gardiner, Maine

The group will start at the Freight Shed on Commercial Street in Bath at noon (fuel up at the Bath Farmer’s Market next door at Waterfront Park) and end in Gardiner in time to join the 5:30 bike parade at their Ride into Summer celebration.
The Bath Freight Shed together with KELT invite you and other local bike/pedestrian advocates to join an exploratory group ride of the proposed Capital to the Coast Trail (38 miles) on Saturday, May 25th, Noon - 6pm.
This self-supported bicycle ride will explore the interim route of two proposed long-distance trails. Participants will enjoy scenic views of the rivers that flow into Merrymeeting Bay, take photos for promotion and help build energy for trail development. Your feedback on the positive and challenging aspects of the route will help us design the best trail possible!Route:
A group ride on paved roads from Bath to Gardiner with frequent rest & regroup stops. Group pace ~10-12 mph, the route is mostly flat with hills in the final section.
For organizers, supporters and those curious about the proposed Androscoggin to the Kennebec Trail (Bath to Brunswick) and Merrymeeting Trail (Topsham to Gardiner). Ride is limited to 25 participants.Cost:
Free! Anticipate spending ~ $20 on snacks at local businesses to show trail communities that cyclists are an economic boost.

Email Alicia Hepburn, KELT Project Director, or call at 207-442-8400 for more details, registration and carpooling information.
Summer 2013
Local Chefs + Local Foods
Set at the Freight Shed, overlooking the Kennebec these dinners will be catered by local Chefs featuring local produce, cheese, meats with wine and Maine beer.
Your minimum donation of $25 pp per dinner will go toward the restoration of the Freight Shed, Bath's winter local food hub. Space is limited to 42 per dinner.
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