Farmers Market on December 28th |
Chipping away at ice inside and out Saturday could have been disheartening but the volunteers who assembled to help and the stream of sympathetic market supporters, helped keep our spirits up!
The farmers market had to be cancelled. Too many vendors struggling with record breaking temperatures, ice storm repairs, power outages topped off by an other snow storm. After days of frigid temperatures our bathroom waterline burst.
This event has clarified our need for an insulated mechanical space, new water line entry, designated space for the sprinkler system and a hot water heater (an Important ingredient for a future kitchen). This extra cold weather has forced the issue but it will help insure that we have a fully functional facility in the future.
The next Bath Freight Shed Alliance meeting will be on January 15th at the Inn at Bath. Our next Hands On Friday will be on January 10th 1PM until 3PM. We could use your help with some general cleaning and weatherproofing. Please let us know via email ( bathfreightshed@gmail.com) if you can attend.
Thank you for your continued support!
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